Customer Survey Templates

Explore our collection of customer survey templates and draw inspiration for better understanding your customers.

How likely are you to recommend our product to someone else in your position?

1 = Very unlikely10 = Very likely

NPS Survey

Assess customer loyalty and satisfaction by determining their likelihood to recommend your product or service.

How satisfied are you with our product?


CSAT Survey

Quantify immediate customer sentiments about a particular interaction or experience with your product.

How disappointed would you be if you could no longer use our product?

Product Market Fit Survey

Evaluate how well your product meets market needs and how essential it is to your users.

Why did you cancel your subscription?

Exit Survey

Capture the reasons why your customers abandon your product and identify your weaknesses.

Where did you first hear about our app?

Marketing Attribution

Understand how your users discover your app and optimize your marketing efforts.

Which word best describes your view of our brand?

Brand Perception Survey

Learn about your brand's perception and how it is perceived by your audience.

Did you discover a bug?

Please let us know what happened

Bug Report

Gather feedback from users who have experienced a bug or technical issue.

Was this article helpful?

BottomNot HelpfulTopVery Helpful

Help Article Feedback Survey

Get feedback on help articles and learn how to improve.

What type of content would you like to see more of?

Content Preference Survey

Learn which type of content your users prefer.

Request a feature

What would you do to improve our product?

Feature Request Survey

Collect ideas and feedback from your users about new features.

What feature would you like to see next?

Roadmap Prioritization Survey

Understand which features your users want to see most.

Are you interested in being a beta tester for new features?

Recruit Beta Testers

Identify users who are interested in testing beta features.

How easy was it to get the help you needed?

BottomNot EasyTopVery Easy

Customer Effort Survey

Measure the ease of your customer's experience with your product or service.

What do you think about the recent improvements we made on our product?

Improvement Follow Up Survey

Get feedback about a recent improvement or change to your product.

What are you looking for?

This helps us understand how we can best help you.

Lead Qualification Survey

Qualify leads and identify potential customers.

What is your budget range for this project?

This helps us tailor our proposal.

Project Proposal Survey

Gather information to create a project proposal.

What do you think about our product customization options?


Product Customization

Discover which product customization options your customers want.

Do you feel we offer a good range of products?

Product Range Feedback

Understand if your visitors are satisfied with your product range.

How important is the environmental aspect of our products to you?

BottomNot importantTopVery important

Environmental Concerns

Understand if your visitors are concerned about the environmental impact of your products.

Why do you want to return your order?

Return Reason

Understand why your customers want to return their orders.

Before you go, can you tell us why you are leaving?

Exit Intent Survey

Understand why your customers are leaving your website.

How did you discover our store?

Store Visitor Attribution

Understand how your users discover your store and optimize your marketing efforts.

Do you like the products in this collection?


Collection Feedback Survey

Understand what your visitors think about a specific collection.